Hello! Firstly, I would like to apologise for the lack of new blog posts. I have been totally overwhelmed with my uni work and unfortunately I have to prioritise that. Today I am going to share with you some exciting Halloween inspirations I have come across when planning my outfit. I have never really been a massive celebrator of Halloween. I have been trick or treating a few times but I never really make an effort, with any fancy dress for that matter! So, as it is my final year at university, I am going to go big ;) 

I love the idea of the 3 outfits above, you could use them as inspiration to create a look out of garments that you already own and play around with different make up looks. 

These can all be as easy or challenging as you wish. Some are pretty and creative while others are definitely aiming to scare.

I think it would be really fun to experiement with face paints and make up to create the looks above. There are so many tutorials on YouTube such as this one by dope2111 for Emily (Corpse Bride).

There are some amazingly creative eye looks you can have a go at such as these above. I absolutely love the level of detail. All you need is a precise eye liner and some patience!

I think these outfits would all be fun to do. Wednesday Addams could be simple yet effective and the pop art girl is one of my personal favourites. 

I absolutely love nail art so I am definately going to take this Halloween opportunity to try out something fun. I love the Nightmare Before Christmas nails and the splattered blood below.

We have finally decided to dress up as a house and we are going as KISS! I am so excited and I am definately going to make more of an effort in the future. Today we went to Primark and bought black disco pants for the look, boys n'all ;) hah!

I hope you all have a wonderful Halloween. Do you guys have any plans? And what might you be dressing up as?

*I found all the images on Pinterest. You can see the credits check them out and more by visiting my Halloween Inspiration board. 

1 comment

  1. Some great ideas. I'm still undecided, would like to create something from what I've already got. Would love you to do my nails. Send me a pic of yours :) Love Sarah xox
