Before I start this post properly, I have decided to give my blog a little more organisation and structure. I thought it might be a good idea to post at the same time every week (I'm thinking it is going to be a Thursday) so we can all keep up with what is going on. I will still post little things randomly to keep some excitement though, depending on how much time my final year steals from me! 

Now, I don't know about anyone else but I seem to get bored of my hair so quickly. I've never done anything too crazy and it has always been long with a few home dye shades every few months. Last year I went blonde for a while and although I loved it, as a poor student I couldn't afford to keep it looking nice. I ended up letting it grow out and now I have a weird ombre effect going on. I feel like now is as good a time as any to do something different so I have been searching Pinterest for some inspiration... 


This is definitely a look I am lusting after but certainly not brave enough to try. I am lucky that I can express myself however I want in my chosen career path but this is a very bold statement. My favourite are the pastels shades and I think it is just ridiculously cute.

Long hair is just super pretty and you can do SO much with it. It is definitely my comfort zone though and more expensive to maintain.


There is just something about blonde locks especially when you are heading towards spring/summer. As you can probably tell, I really love Ashley Olsen's hair here.

This is a hair trend I am seeing more and more. Mid-length hair is like the best of both worlds; it looks pretty and feminine but it is easier to look after and you can still do so much with it. It can also be styled for a more edgey look. I am really leaning towards chopping off a large amounts of my hair. How scary... And exciting.

Pinterest is seriously so amazing for getting ideas for hairstyles and for teaching you how to do them. I love messy buns for everyday, French braids for the endless possibilities (even though I can't do them on myself just yet) and simple styles with cute accessories.

This is a trend that doesn't seem to be going anywhere so I would love to give it a go properly. There are so many different shade options so you can make a really unique look.

Do you guys reckon I should bite the bullet and cut my hair?! Which hairstyles are you loving/wanting to try at the moment?

*Don't forget you can see where I sourced all the images by visiting my Pinterest page! 


  1. No no I love your long hair, but mid-length could be worth a try!!

    1. I'm still unsure so I won't rush into anything just yet :)
