Exciting news... I bought a new camera. I am seriously always taking pictures and have been wanting a DSLR for around 3 years. So last week I decided I wasn't sure why I was still waiting and purchased my new baby from Canon!

I have also been super busy with uni work at the moment with final deadlines looming, hence the lack of exciting posts. Although I have been managing to schedule enough to keep up to date with my Thursdays, I think?

I think I was feeling sorry for myself so bought it to cheer me up... Does anyone else do that? Hah!


  1. Looks fantastic, is it insured????

  2. I know the feeling! When I got mine I could stop happy dancing around and taking pictures of everyone and everything!

  3. Yes, my boyfriend gets a little annoyed hah! Just had a read through your blog, love it :)
